PIX transfer refunds

Pix completed its first year of existence on November 16th of 2021. The increasingly popular instant payment method that has gained Brazilian hearts got a set of new features and mechanisms on its anniversary, including a refunding option for fraudulent operations or transaction errors. In this article you will get to know more about how this new Pix refund feature works.


What is PIX?

Pix is an instant payment method created by the BACEN (Central Bank of Brazil) to revolutionize the market. It promotes quick, real time, and direct transfers between people and/or companies. Working 24/7 and in a digital way, especially through smartphone apps, PIX brought more convenience, options, access and opportunities to all Brazilians. 

Read also: Pix -The revolutionary instant payment in Brazil


PIX refunding mechanism

Before the PIX refunding mechanism started working, whenever a fraud or failure happened in a transaction, a bilateral agreement between the financial institutions that took part in that specific operation was required. According to the BACEN this was inefficient, since it turned the process slow and delayed the resolution of the cases.

Willing to improve this situation, the BACEN announced what is called “Mecanismo Especial de Devolução”, or in English: Special Devolution Mechanism. This mechanism brought a whole new set of rules to standardize the refunding process in the PIX system, and it was intended to make the process more agile for anyone that can be considered a victim of frauds, robbery or just errors.  


How it works

There are two scenarios where PIX refunds are possible. One is when a failure in the system happens generating an error in the transaction, such as sending the money twice for the same receiver. The other case is when a fraudulent transaction takes place.  

So, here is how the refund process works for each case:

For system failure/errors

  • The victim contacts the institution from where the PIX transaction took place (for example, the victim’s bank) and reports the error, which can be a transaction that was made twice, for example.

  • The victim’s institution places a refund request against the institution that received the transaction.

  • A refund is made and the money is transferred to the victim’s account within 24 hours. 

For fraudulent operations

  • The victim contacts the institution from where the PIX transaction took place (for example, the victim’s bank) and reports a fraud suspicion. 

  • If a fraudulent operation is confirmed, the victim’s institution places a refund request against the institution that received the money.

  • A refund is made and the money is transferred to the victim’s account.

  • The fraudulent transaction receiver is notified about a debit on his/her account.


The advantages of this new feature

  • Less operational costs for institutions involved in the fraud or system failure/error situations.

  • Increased agility in processing a refund. 

  • More safety for PIX end users and business owners that offers PIX as a payment method.


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